Plasma Rich Fibrin (PRF facial)

Lizbeth Trujillo, is a Licensed Aesthetician, Certified Dental Assistant, and Phlebotomist

She acquired her training at the highest centers of education, including the Atelier Institute in New York City. Lizbeth will examine your skin appearance and joins our team in recommending specific materials and techniques tailored to each patient. Her primary emphasis is using the holistic method of microneedling with plasma (PRF). She has trained with Cleopatra Nacopoulos and has learned and perfected the Cleopatra Technique, which uses a combination of two forms of PRF liquid (I-PRF and A-PRF), in order to rejuvenate and augment the skin. PRF plasma produces an excellent result, as well, when used simultaneously with Fraxel laser, without Microneedling.

Healthcare professionals worldwide are now have successfully incorporated growth factors in their practices, often in conjunction with other modalities such as hyaluronic acid, botulinum toxin injections, PDO threads, chemical peels, lipotransplant and laser treatments. In particular, Fraxel Laser skin rejuvenation can be combined with either topical or mironeedling application of PRF. We share her goal and enthusiasm in achieving a result whereby patients develop an enhanced self-image by attaining a newer, even better version of themselves.

As her mission statement Lizbeth states, she "Loves helping people become their beautiful best." Lizbeth frequently attends meetings and presentations on the latest technique on a global stage. Her enthusiasm is evident... we are delighted to have her on our team!